Deliver Smartly.
How it works.
We found 35% of businesses don't plan their deliveries. That's crazy!
You can easily reduce costs (mistakes, time, mileage), and your carbon footprint 🌱 by simply planning ahead.
DeliverSmartly for
DeliverSmartly for
Your Deliveries
Start by capturing your deliveries.
Enter delivery details with as little or as much information as you need. The only thing required is an address, and to help prevent mistakes we provide address search and autocomplete.
Next, assign your deliveries.
If you're coordinating a team of more than a couple of people you'll need an
intelligent way of assigning tasks to drivers.
We'll group nearby tasks together, so that they can be efficiently actioned
by a single driver.
Small team, or don't need to assign tasks? Don't worry! You can skip this step.
Let's get delivering!
With a click of a button we calculate the optimium order of tasks for each driver.
This reduces the travel time and distance drivers need to travel.
Back in the office, admin staff have complete overview of all tasks.
Your Customers
Track and trace.
Help your customers help themselves, with up-to-date tracking information for each pickup and delivery.
No login or account required.
Ready to give it a whirl?
No credit card required.